The first annual The Simon Konover Company Day of Giving Back was held in honor of company founder Simon Konover, a Holocaust survivor and regarded philanthropist, who passed almost one year ago. As the hallmark project, The Simon Konover Company volunteer and associates’ team completed a two-day Playground Community Build project at the Industria Commons housing community in New Britain, Connecticut.
James Wakim, President and Chief Operating Officer of The Simon Konover Company, offered at the ceremony, that “…We, at The Simon Konover Company, are keenly focused on maintaining and furthering the Simon Konover legacy of giving back to our communities. Today is a wonderful day as we remember Simon.”
Over a two day period, October 11 - 12, 2016, employees of The Simon Konover Company and residents of Industria Commons and Brytania Square worked together to build a playground for the children of the two residential communities. New Britain Mayor Erin Stewart, accompanied by Alderman at Large James Sanders, Jr., visited the project on October 12th to recognize the volunteers for their efforts.
Located at Industria Commons, the playground features a large playscape incorporating 14 different play activities, as well as a swing set. The playground is designed for children of all abilities ranging from toddlers to age 12.
Local companies donated goods, services and financial resources to fund the $40,000 project, including D&R Construction, CWPM, LLC, Tilcon Concrete, Dubaldo Security Systems and Adinas Pizzeria. Over 150 volunteers, including employees of The Simon Konover Company and residents of Industria Commons and Brytania Square prepared the site, installed the equipment and finished the playground over two days.
Industria Commons and Brytania Square are owned and managed by affiliates of The Simon Konover Company (TSKC).